Welcome to the Banana Splits Resource Center!

Banana Splits is a school-based children's group program for students who have experienced parental divorce or death. Established in 1978 by social worker Liz McGonagle, Banana Splits now supports children, parents, and teachers in schools across the country and around the world.

The purposes are:

Activities teach children of divorced or deceased parents how to help themselves and each other. By creating a supportive community, Banana Splits aims to counteract the day to day impact of divorce and death on teenagers and young children.

This Resource Center is maintained by Dr. Valerie Raymond to help you establish and run Banana Splits groups in your school. Here you'll find literature and activities to use with children's groups as well as books for professionals and parents and special considerations for running adolescent groups. Training for group facilitators is available via either a remote or a face to face workshop at your site. An annual training is available through the NY State Assn. of Independent Schools (NYSAIS.)

The next open Banana Splits training for facilitators will take place on Wednesday, October 23 from 10:30-3:30 at the Brearley School in New York City. Register through the New York State Association of Independent Schools at NYSAIS.org.

Order the Banana Splits Manual through The Center for Learning.